Reseller Key Request

Sunfrog has thousands of users with new feature requests coming in daily from a thriving communityAs Sunfrog grows, I want to focus on product development and engineering and allow your company to sell the product. 

When you make a sale, fill out the form below.  It will generate a key that the user can install, allowing you to complete the sale.   Just forward the generated key to your user and the sale is complete!  You may want to test the key on your own machine.  The key must be installed within seven days.  (This is to avoid stolen keys being posted on the net or resold twice).

Please only use the form in the course of an actual order process.  Sunfrog must be reimbursed 60% of the recommended sales price within 30 days.  Contact Sunfrog for details.

Of course, please safeguard your reseller code carefully.  This service is provided on an "honor system" basis.


 Reseller Code

 Reseller Email Address

 Registered User's Name (100 chars max)

 Purchase ID (Your company's order tracking code)

 Purchased Product

  I will reimburse Sunfrog Technologies LLC for 60% of the recommended sale price within 30 days.