
Here is a feature chart comparing various
scheduling packages as of 1 Jan 2006.

  Sunfrog Film Scheduling 1.611 Movie Magic Scheduling 3.7 EP Scheduling 4.0 Gorilla 2.0 Cinetools Cinergy

Underlying Platform
.NET MFC Java Filemaker Filemaker MFC  

Native Windows User Interface
Yes Yes No No No Yes

Multiple schedules / Board Swap
Yes Yes / Board Swap Yes Yes No ?/Yes

Cast/Crew Contact Management
Yes No/Limited No/Limited Yes Yes Yes

Track cast/crew availability
Yes No No ?/No No ?/No

Track location availability
Yes No No ?/No No ?/No
Auto Import Script from Final Draft Yes Yes Yes Yes No Interactive Breakdown

Export Reports to PDF, HTML and Word
Yes No Yes (PDF) ?/Yes ?/No ?/No

Free viewer (Can use unregistered app to view files for free)
Yes Yes Yes No No No

Rental Option
Yes No No No No No
Price of Full Featured Version $149 $600+ $350+ $349 $149 $499
Academic discounts Yes ?/Yes Yes Yes ?/No ?/No


Underlying Platform:  Sunfrog is built on .NET, Microsoft's development platform.  When buying software generally, you are better off choosing products built on a modern platform such as .NET or Java.  This impacts many important metrics - especially stability, performance and ease of use. 

Native Windows User Interface:   Sunfrog has been built with native Windows components.  Most of Sunfrog's competitors decided to save money by developing with "cross platform"  components, making their user interfaces clunky and forcing customers to adopt a steeper learning curve.

Multiple Schedules / Board Swap:  When evaluating the scheduler, especially products built on Filemaker, make sure that the scheduler actually works!  What is the performance when you move a single schedule entry?  Does it cause the screen to flash and a 2 to 3 second delay as the schedule is recalculated?   Could you really schedule your production with it? 

Cast/Crew/Location Contact Management:  Can you import your contacts from an existing address book?  Are you forced to enter your actors in a separate module instead of having all your contacts in one place?   Can you recast a role quickly?   Can you keep track of a cast, crew, or location's availability?

Report Export:  Can you generate reports in PDF, HTML or Word?   This is especially important when disseminating reports to your cast and crew.

Script Import:  Can you import a script from Final Draft?

Pricing Options:  Can you rent the software if you only need to use it for a specific time?  Can you use the app for free as a "viewer"?  Are there academic discounts?  Do you get the full product even if you are buying less expensive academic version? 

I believe that Sunfrog is already the best film scheduling package available.  But don't take my word for it.  Compare competing products and make your own decision.  I look forward to healthy competition which will benefit all users in the long run.